Chancetanz & Educational Projects
“You and Me”
Dance theatre project by Pegasus e.V. in collaboration with Makarenkoschule Dresden; funded by ‘Bundesverband freie Darstellende Künste’ within the program “Kultur macht stark. Bündnisse für Bildung” of the BMBF.
Artistic Director: Uwe Lach
Choreography and Rehearsal: Olimpia Scardi
Choreography Assistant: Francesca Mommo
“Peter Pan”
Dance theatre project by Pegasus e.V. in collaboration with Schule am Landgraben and Kulturladen e.V., sponsored by “Chance Tanz” a project of the “Bundesverband Tanz in Schulen e. V.” within the framework of the program “Kultur macht Stark” Bündnisse für Bildung of the BMBF.
Artistic Director: Uwe Lach
Choreography and Rehearsal: Olimpia Scardi
Choreography Assistant: Francesca Mommo
Dance-video project of Pegasus e.V., Schule am Landgraben and Medienkulturzentrum Dresden e.V.
Sponsored by “ChanceTanz, within the framework of the program “Kultur macht Stark” Bündnisse für Bildung of the BMBF.
Artistic Director: Uwe Lach
Choreography and Rehearsal: Francesca Mommo
Pedagogical Supervision: Claus Hörmann
Dance theatre project of Pegasus e.V. with Mosaika e.V. Bischofswerda and Outlaw e.V.
Sponsored by the Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste within the framework of Kumasta.
Artistic Direction: Uwe Lach
Choreography: Olimpia Scardi with support from Mario Möckel and Anna Giesbrecht
Camera: Uwe Lach
Video Editing: Francesca Mommo
“Tanz den Herbst – 2020”
Dance theatre project of Pegasus e.V. with Mosaika e.V. Bischofswerda and Outlaw e.V.
Sponsored by the Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste within the framework of Kumasta.
Artistic Direction: Uwe Lach
Choreography: Olimpia Scardi with support from Mario Möckel and Anna Giesbrecht
Camera: Uwe Lach
Video Editing: Francesca Mommo
Dance theatre project of Pegasus e.V., Schule am Landgraben and Medienkulturzentrum Dresden e.V.
Supported by ChanceTanz with funds from Kumasta.
Artistic Direction: Uwe Lach
Choreography and Training: Francesca Mommo
Pedagogical supervision: Claus Hörmann
“Das Kälberbrüten – nach einem Theaterstück von Hans Sachs”
Video and theatre project in collaboration with “Mosaika e.V.” in Bischofswerda.
Direction: Uwe Lach
Camera: Stefan Kutsche
Lights: Ivan Dyomin, Oleg Wasilewski
Sound: Kyrill Burdyk
Video Editing: Francesca Mommo
Stage Design, Scenery: Oleg Levit
Music: Ekaterina Kulakova
Choreography: Mario Möckel
Artistic Direction: Anna Giesbrecht
Project Direction: Angelina Burdyk
Dance theatre project by Pegasus e.V., Schule am Landgraben and Medienkulturzentrum Dresden e.V.
Artistic Direction: Uwe Lach
Choreography and Training: Francesca Mommo
Pedagogical Supervision: Claus Hörmann